Hailiang ZHAO

ZJU 100 Young Professor | ACES Lab, School of Software Technology, ZJU


Currently I am a ZJU 100 Young Professor (百人计划研究员) in the School of Software Technology, Zhejiang University (ZJU). I obtained my PhD in the College of Computer Science and Technology at ZJU in 2024, supervised by Prof. Shuiguang Deng (国家杰青、浙大求是特聘学者). From Sep. 2022 to Sep. 2023, I was a visiting research scholar of PDCL Lab, Nanyang Technological University (NTU), very luckily to be advised by Prof. Xueyan Tang. I am fortunate to work with Prof. Zomaya (IEEE Fellow) at University of Sydney, Australia and Prof. Dustdar (IEEE Fellow) at TU Wien, Austria. [Google Scholar] [ResearchGate] [Mirror Page]

My prior work focuses on solving optimization problems in distributed computing environment, such as task placement and job scheduling, in both offline and online settings, or in time-varying systems. In recent years, I have put more effort into designing algorithms for systems with performance guarantees. Generally, my recent (and future) research interests lie in Bridging The Gap Between Theory and System (see this for some details), specifically designing algorithms that perform better than the currently used algorithms in modern computer systems and clusters.

I joined SPAIL faculty group of ACES Lab in 2024, lead by Prof. Chow (曾任 Intel 首席科学家、Alibaba 高级首席工程师). SPAIL 长期招收 诚实有激情有好奇心 的硕士研究生 (base 宁波,专硕) 和博士研究生 (base 宁波,专博)。通过联系我,你也可以选择加入邓老师课题组 (邓老师在计算机学院、工程师学院、软件学院均有学术学位和专业学位的硕/博名额)。欢迎各位保研、考研的优秀学子前来咨询。邮件地址:hliangzhao {AT} zju {DOT} edu {DOT} cn。

Selected Papers

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Professional Services

I am serving as a reviewer for some journals, including:


Emails: hliangzhao97 {AT} gmail {DOT} com, hliangzhao {AT} ZJU {DOT} edu {DOT} cn

Address: Room 422, Cao Guangbiao Sci-tech Building, Yuquan Campus of Zhejiang University.
中国浙江省杭州市西湖区浙大路 38 号,浙江大学玉泉校区 310027。